How can I access databases from off campus?


Go to the EMCC Homepage, hover the mouse of Student Services, and go down until you see Library.






Select the blue A-Z Online Resources Link.


Next, choose the database you want to use.  For this example I used Academic Search Premier.


Then you will be directed to a Login screen.  Here you put in your login and password (what you use to login to your LEO account). YOUR ID# IS NOT YOUR PASSWORD.


Now you are at the search screen.  Put in your search terms and click search.  I do recommend that you select "Full Text" on either this screen, or the next one.  While databases have a lot of information, some of their documents are in abstract or review form.  By selecting "Full Text" you are accessing material that you have complete access to.


If you did not select "Full Text" on the previous screen, you can select it here.


  • Last Updated May 14, 2020
  • Views 81
  • Answered By Christina Jurusik

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